
I'm so glad you're here.


I'm Bella Butters- a devoted soul to photographing the tenderness of life as it is, joining arms with you as you experience some of life's greatest gifts, whilst providing you with images that are timeless, & stir up the upmost delight in your being. Based in the Chicago, IL area, you can most often find me with my junior high sweetheart & my 5 little ones.

You've come to the right place. I want to come alongside you during these transitions & help you celebrate them. my heart is for people just like you. 

you're a new mom. a joyful bride. a couple in love. a budding family.

Come! Cozy on in.

Here are some of

My favorite things

real moments


gorgeous florals

I feel incredibly soft towards newlyweds & new moms. I fully recognize that this is a uniquely vulnerable time in life & can feel a bit like you're in the trenches as you transition together. I feel keen towards fighting for you & with you. I want to cheer you on, love you well, & serve you with excellence. It's a total honor to get to know you & to celebrate your story!

My family is the backbone behind this business. My husband's eagerness to show his adamant support & meet alll my technology needs with no sweat, the sound of my kids squealing mommy when I come in through the front door after a session, all of it. Without them, I would not be where I am at today. They are my why through & through. All my love & delight to serve you originates from my servanthood to them. 

My heart beats for marriages & families thriving.

Why do I do what I do?