
From inquiry to delivery, i'll be there answering any questions you might have. We'll get down to the nitty gritty  of what you're envisioning  for our session- what you're hoping to see & feel from your gallery, why you picked me as your photographer, & a handful of other probing questions that will help gauge what you're desiring from our time together. My goal with this is to gain a solid understanding of who you are & what you guys are about beforehand so that I can do my best to represent you from behind the camera. Your story is unique, unlike any other, & I desire to capture it in its truest form that showcases your love well. Whether with your family or your best friend who you're totally in love with- don't be surprised if you all the sudden get an urge for ice cream afterwards! 

Following our session, you'll receive an email reiterating some final details of what you can expect going forward  post session- a sneak peek delivered to your inbox within the first two weeks, as well as a full gallery delivery within 6-8 weeks of our session. As always, I will be just an email away with any further questions you might have!

So, you're loving what you're seeing & find yourself easing toward that "book me" button, but you're here because you want just a little bit more clarity as far as what you can expect. I get it- booking a photographer can feel a little bit like a whirlwind trying to make sure you "check all the boxes" or cover all the fees. I want to be straightforward about what you can expect with your experience when booking with me- because no one wants to feel confused when it comes to paying a lot of money for something you care about. I'm there with you every step-  let me walk you through the experience!

The experience

a little bit about

this is where my best work happens, & is also the best gift you can give me as your photographer- your trust!

you're willing to trust me


because we will be doing a lot of this.."just get a liiiitle bit closer for me"

you like to cozy on in


even better if you laugh at my jokes..but don't worry, i'll laugh regardless.

you like to laugh alot


you love your tribe & are proud to do life with them? you've come to the right spot! 

A love for marriage & family


I aim to serve you with excellence & am constantly seeking how I can better provide you with just that. Your life matters to me- I want to give you a memorable experience that will further cultivate the love & loyalty you already share. Curious if we're a good fit? You might be a future part of the Bella Butters Photo family if these apply to you!

how you know you'll love your experience with me