
I  love to capture those hundreds of little moments that are happening in between prompts. It might not feel like a whole lot is happening from your perspective, but behind my camera, I am learning who YOU are. It all happens in a split second & to capture that as a still for you is just a plain honor. I love being able to offer your family this- an experience that goes beyond just a quick family portrait, but rather replacing that with a wide variety of images that represent who your family is & all the things that make your family YOU. When others see your images, I want them to gladly conspire, “Yes! That’s the *insert family name here* in a picture.” Come ready to squeeze together & be given plenty of opportunities to think about how much you love this group of people that you get to do life with. I’m simply here to guide, direct, & laugh alongside of you as we get you those sought after gorgeous portraits of your family.